Benefit from free standard delivery in Europe for all online orders.
Delivery by fast and secure carrier (2 to 4 working days for mainland France, 2 to 8 working days for other destinations). Delivery times are estimated from the time your order is shipped.
Possibility of express delivery invoiced to the Customer for an order less than 500 euros and offered for an order greater than 500 euros.
In addition to the European Union, we can deliver to the following countries/regions: Andorra, Vatican City, Gibraltar, Monaco, United Kingdom and Switzerland.
Taxes and customs fees are the responsibility of the customer.
If you wish to make a purchase with delivery to another country, we invite you to contact our customer service at

You have 14 days from receipt of the product to withdraw and request a refund.
Only non-personalized items can be returned.
We invite you to complete this withdrawal form and follow our returns and refund policy .
You must return the items delivered in their original packaging, complete (boxes, certificate of authenticity, accessories, protections, labels, booklets, etc.) and accompanied by the duly completed withdrawal form as well as a copy of the invoice .
Return costs are free for mainland France (including Corsica).
You have 30 days from receipt of the product to request an exchange.
The exchange can only relate to the size of the item or the color of the material of the item ordered. Under no circumstances can an exchange be made between two different items.
Only new, unworn and non-personalized items may be exchanged.
We invite you to follow our return and refund policy to make your exchange request.
Return costs are free for mainland France (including Corsica).